Tuesday, June 20, 2006

I'll give you your damned reply to "Cut and Run"!

Wait and See.

That's been the Republican answer to everything. Do nothing and just Wait and See.

Remember the way they helped Americans during Katrina? Prior to Katrina, we asked them to reinforce the levees. They wanted to Wait on that and See if they could build a bridge in the middle of nowhere in Alaska instead. We saw what happens when you Wait on maintaining vital infrastructure. When Katrina hit, their appointed crony over at FEMA took a Wait and See approach to saving lives. We waited for them to come help. Well, what did we see? Dead American bodies floating in the streets. They waited at the border and we saw Americans dying because they were made to wait at a bridge and not allowed to cross. That's what Republican who want to Wait and See got us.

Remember when they promised Fiscal Responsibility? Just you Wait and See what happens when Republicans are in charge, they said. Well we we didn't have to wait long before we saw. We saw the surplus turn into a deficit so fast a magician could only wish his sleight of hand was so quick. We've seen them slash taxes for the rich and spend like there's no tomorrow. Trickle down economics? Wait and See what happens, they said. We've seen Americans falliing further and further into debt because their bills are greater than their income. We've seen outsourcing of jobs. We've seen the average wage of an American go down while the average hours he puts in go up. One thing we DON'T see is any semblance of fiscal responsibility. Not since Clinton left.

Remember how they promised to clean up government? Just you wait and see when Republicans are in charge, they said. Well, we've seen unheard of levels of corruption and larceny and we're still waiting for justice to prevail. We're still waiting for the Culture of Corruption to come to an end. Don't count on it anytime soon. These guys are a bunch of snake oil salesmen and their gameplan is to scam American taxpayers for all they're worth and then Wait and See if there's anything we can do about it.

Remember what they said about Iraq? They said Saddam had WMD's. We'll find them, just you Wait and See. They invaded. Well, we waited and we saw that there never WERE any WMD's. They said they wanted regime change. We waited. They've had their regime change. What do we see? They're still there. They claimed we needed to wait till they installed the new government. We waited. What did we see? They've created a new government. They're still there. We've asked them what defines 'victory' in Iraq. Their response? Wait and see. Wait and see WHAT? We've waited and we've seen our boys die. We've seen Iraqi children die. We've seen depleted uranium dust poison every man, woman and child ON BOTH SIDES of this conflict. We've seen this toxic radioactive dust cloud rise up into our upper atmosphere where it's 22 BILLION YEAR halflife will pollute our planet long after we're all gone. How long will we have to wait and see the mutations caused by using depleted uranium?

But most of all, Wait and See sums up what they've done since 9-11. They invaded Afghanistan, they threw out the Taliban. But then they didn't finish the job. We;re still waiting for them to destroy Al Queda. We're still waiting for them to make Osama bin Laden pay for what he did. We're still waiting for justice for 9-11. And all we see is while they were off fighting a country with no ties to Al Queda, the Taliban have quietly crept back into Afghanistan. We see Al Queda still threatens to attack America again. We see Osama is still free.

We're done waiting Republicans, we've seen enough.


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