So much of the argument on the "left" is about the DLC centrist policy, or appealing to the centrists, or reaching out to moderate voters, etc. We have to recognize something very simple:
There is no spoon. The "center" doesn't exist. Neither does the "right" or "left". The fact of the matter is, we fight over wealth distribution. If we have laissez faire capitalism, we have a handful of super rich elitists, no class mobility and a lot of poor (read slave) laborers and nothing has much changed since Pharoahs time. If we have socialism, we have no motivation whatsoever to get off our fucking lazy asses and do anything more than we absolutely have to. There's still no class mobility except for the ruling class elite and the working class. What you've got is Pharoahs age but the pyramids are half-assed peices of shit that will never be completed and if they are, wont' last thousands of years cuz the workers are all drunk on vodka because what the fuck else have they got to look forward to in life but to keep doing the same damn thing for the same damn pay, day in and day out. But at least they can sit around, be lazy and get drunk.
Either way kinda sucks.
The third way, and I'm not talking about the DLC's mythical "third way", I'm talking about the REAL third way, is Progressivism. We limit the amount of wealth the upper class can amass and redistribute it to the lower class so they aren't in abject poverty. This keeps class mobility fluid, gives everyone something to bust their butts for and allows for what is commonly known as The Land of Opportunity.
There's no right, there's no left, there's no center, because it looks like this:

As you can see, the top of the pyramid represents all the wealth in the hands of a few. The bottom of the pyramid represents all the wealth evenly divided. The red parallelogram superimposed on the pyramid represents Progressivism, the wealthiest are the top, there are many, the poor are the bottom, yes there's always more poor than wealthy, but the wealth is not as evenly distributed as it is in socialism, nor as hoarded as it is in laissez faire capitalism. It is capped at the top and the bottom is raised up through redistribution.
So what does "right", "left" and "center" really mean?
When you use the above pyramid for reference of what is REALLY going on and you look at the American political language, what you see is Right in US lexicon means the the top of the pyramid and left means the bottom.
And there is the problem with todays national debate.
Progressives aren't "left". They are in the middle. This is why socialism is considered "far left". So what does it mean to be "moderate"? It means moving away from the Progressive position on the pyramid and towards the upper portion.
This is impossible. The Progressive position cannot move. It IS the center. Any shift in that political position results in a shift towards laissez faire capitalism.
There is no spoon. We ARE the center. When Clinton called himself a moderate what he was saying is he wasn't a progressive. And that was true because he proved it by passing NAFTA.
If you want to know why the country has swung so far from Progressivism, the false analogy of left vs right is one of the reasons. It infers that there is a middle ground. There isn't because we are not leftists we ARE the middle ground.
"centrism", "centrists", "moderates" none of these terms have any meaning. If you were to give them meaning it would simply mean Nudging Towards Laissez Faire Capitalism.
The good old days of company towns and slavery.
There is no spoon.
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