Thursday, October 06, 2005

When did the terrorists become THIS kind of threat?

Bush just made another Fear Speech (TM):

During a speech billed by the White House as a major policy address, Bush said if U.S. forces withdraw from Iraq, insurgents would "use the vacuum created by an American retreat to gain control of a country, a base from which to launch attacks and conduct their war against nonradical Muslim governments."

Now, they didn't do this in Afghanistan, after we drove them out of there. They didn't do this when they HAD Afghanistan, before we drove them out of there.

Then Bush goes on to say:

"We're not facing a set of grievances" that can be negotiated, Bush said.

"We're facing a radical ideology with an unalterable objective, to enslave whole nations and intimidate the whole world," he said.

Where have I heard that kind of (il)logic before? Oh yeah:

During Vietnam. It was called the Domino Theory. If the Soviets couldn't take advantage of it, then there's no way the extremists are going to use it to effect either.

But the Chimperor is right about one thing: We ARE facing a radical ideology with an unalterable objective, to enslave whole nations and intimidate the whole world. It's called the Neocon ideology. And Bush is the head of it. Then he even has the gall to state that:

Bush said the war has not caused hatred of the United States among radical Muslims or global terror attacks, but rather is an "excuse" to further the goal of creating an Islamic state across the Mideast. The militants believe that controlling one country will rally the Muslim masses, enabling them to overthrow all moderate governments in the region and establish a radical Islamic empire that spans from Spain to Indonesia," Bush said.

"The hatred of the radicals existed before Iraq was an issue," Bush said. "And it will exist after Iraq is no longer an excuse."

"No act of ours invited the rage of the killers, and no conscience, bribe or act of appeasement will change or limit their plans for murder."

First off, might I point out Mr. Chimperor, that YOU CREATED the vacuum you now claim the terrorists will fill in order to make their alleged megalomaniacal dreams come true. That if you had wiped out Al Queda and the terrorist groups FIRST, as everyone on the left said, before invading Iraq, we wouldn't even have the possibility that what you say is true. Might I point out, Mr. Chimperor, that it was YOU who fucked this all up!

Secondly, I must point out that you, Mr. Chimperor, are full of shit. That's right. You're up to your eyeballs in bullshit Bush. Our presence there isn't an "excuse" for them. It's the entire reason. It is because we were there, supporting the tyrants who oppressed them, like the Saud family, for decades that they hate us. It is because we were there, taking their oil to make our rich even richer while meddling in their affairs that they hate us. It's because we've interfered in their lives for decades that they hate us.

And more bombs, more oppression and most importantly, more occupation, is not going to make them stop hating us. In fact, as you seem to have stupidly pointed out, it is having the opposite effect.

When did the terrorists go from being a threat to fly planes into our buildings, a threat to use WMD's against us, if they could get ahold of them, to being a threat to unite the entire Middle East into a great, extremist, muslim nation out to destroy America?

When did they become THAT kind of threat Mr. Bush?

After you used propaganda and lies on the American public in order to lead us on a preemptive war on Iraq? After you installed a government and oversaw the creation of a constitution in Iraq that gives women even LESS rights than they had under Saddam? After, having all this time to get Iraq ready to defend itself, you've only managed to create a fighting force of 700 Iraqis? Is THAT why we are in the shithole you say we're in now Mr. Bush?

Impeachment aint good enough!


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