It's all being done to keep you safe.
It's not because Bush's oil buddies want the Iraqi oil that they've used depleted uranium to invade Iraq. It's because that's the most effective way to Protect Americans from terrorism:

And it's certainly not because we needed to use depleted uranium in our shells to overcome the deadly Iraqi army or to help defeat insurgents. No. It's because we want to Protect You from terrorism:

Originally posted at Conceptual Guerilla's on 2006-08-17:
We don't do anything because of our own self-interest or the special interests of others. No. We do everything just For Your Protection. That's why we have to sometimes have a little fun with detainees:

We don't LIKE having to act as despicably as some Nazi pig or some Banana Republican dictator. No. We do what we HAVE to do because sometimes, it's a dirty job but it's For Your Own Protection:

And if sometimes some of our subordinates get out of hand, well, it's not because we trained them in such techniques or they lacked proper oversight. It's simply one of those things that are unfortunate, but it happens sometimes when we try to Protect You:

As you know, our enemy doesn't fight fair. And you wouldn't want us to have to fight with one hand behind our backs would you? So of course, sometimes we have to do things that you'd rather not know about, just so you can sleep soundly at night knowing it's For Your Protection:

And to further Keep You Safe, we make sure that we take the fight to them, rather than let them take the fight to us. That's why invading Iraq is Keeping You Safe from Terrorism:

And, of course, sometimes we have to maintain order right here at home. If things got out of order, for instance, if people tried to protest whenever they felt like it, just imagine what kind of message that would send to our enemies! That's why we have to take special measures against your fellow Americans. But rest assured, it's For Your Protection:

And you can't rightly expect us to Protect You if you don't allow us the powers to do so. That is why we need special powers that our founding fathers never foresaw two hundred years ago. I'm sure you don't mind since it's only to Keep You Safe:

So aren't you glad you voted Republican so that we can be there to Keep America Safe?

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