Thursday, March 23, 2006

Can the right ever admit they were wrong?

Somehow I doubt it, but Susan G definately makes the case that it's time they did.

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Standing Down on 9-11: FBI obstruction and NORAD inaction

As we are coming to find out elsewhere our government bent over backwards to block FBI agents from raising the alarm prior to 9-11.

What most people don't realize is that we not only blocked FBI agents from raising an alarm, but as the following timeline to 9-11 will make clear, NORAD actually stood down on the day of the attack, going out of its way to allow the attacks to proceed unhindered.

I originally wrote this about three years ago. At the time, all the links worked and corroborated my timeline. The timeline quickly spread throughout the internet and even was emailed to me from my sister who had no idea I'd written it!

Within a couple months, many of the links started going down. These links were up for years and suddenly they went down all about the same time.

Anyways, here's the timeline for 9-11. Make of it what you will. I believe any rational person will be left wondering.

Timeline to 9-11

From the PNAC, Sept. 2000:

"...the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catatstrophic and catalyzing event-like a new Pearl Harbor."

Timeline to 9-11:

July 26, 2001 Ashcroft stops flying on commercial planes. See also Fox News and San Francisco Chronicle

August 4-30, 2001 24 hour fighter cover over the Bush ranch while the president is on a 30 day vacation.

August 6 Bush receives a briefing entitled "Bin Laden to Strike in US" and then left to go fishing the rest of the day.

Sept. 3, 2001 Salmon Rushdie banned from taking internal flights in the US.

September 10, 2001 Bush spends the night in Sarasota, Florida with a SAM missile battery placed upon the roof of the resort he was staying at.

Sept. 10, 2001 Top Pentagon officials cancel their plane trips for the next day due to a urgent warning.

Sunrise, Sept. 11, 2001 NORAD is conducting Operation Vigilant Guardian, a war game. They are fully staffed and alert with senior staff manning stations across the US. Extra fighter planes are put on alert due to the operation. See also, Ottawa Citizen, Code One Magazine, Aviation Week and Space Technology, and ABC News twice.

8:00 am All four hijacked flights are scheduled to take off. Flight 93 is delayed on the runway for 40 minutes.
Warren Buffet is hosting a charity benefit inside the high security Offut military base. Attending are several executives from the World Trade Center. (You'll have to scroll down a ways to find the Buffet reference.) Originally I linked to the New York Times

8:13 Communications lost with Flight 11 and transponder turned off. Flight considered a "possible" hijacking.

8:14 Captain Ogonowski begins turning the talk back button off and on, allowing air traffic controllers to hear that something is amiss.

8:16 Flight 175 takes off late.

8:20 Flight 77 takes off 10 minutes late.

8:24 Ogonowski flicks on the talk back button and airtraffic controllers hear hijackers talking to the passengers and realize Flight 11 has indeed been hijacked.

8:31 The FAA notifies NORAD of the hijacking of Flight 11.

8:42 Flight 175's radio and transponder are cut off. NORAD's technicians are now linked to Bostons flight control tower so they learn this the same time Boston does.
Flight 93 finally takes off.

8:43 Flight 175's transponder comes back on but with a changed signal not designated to any plane anywhere that day. Incredibly, this allows the flight controllers to track Flight 175 easily.

8:44 ELT from Flight 175 picked up signalling the flight has been hijacked.

8:45 New York traffic controllers finally informed of a problem with Flight 11

8:46 2 fighters scrambled at Otis airforce base. Flight 11 crashes into the WTC. 3 F16's are flying a training mission 207 miles from Washington. They are not recalled for another hour.

8:50 flight controllers lose radio contact with Flight 77. Again, since NORAD is now linked directly to the flight controllers, they learn this immediately.

approximately 8:50 two open telephone conference calls made between the FAA, NORAD, the Secret Service and several other government agencies. Cheney is heard speaking on these calls.

8:52 The 2 fighters take off from Otis airforce base. According to the flight leader, they were at "full blower all the way." That would be 1875 mph. They never intercept anything or play any part in the unfolding events. Even though they could easily intercept Flight 175.

8:55 a public announcement is broadcast in the South Tower saying the building is secure and people can return to their offices.

8:56 Flight 77, already far off course and not responding, turns off its transponder.

9:03 Flight 175 smashes into the South Tower. It is NOW, when all hell is breaking loose, that George W. Bush sits down with a class of 2nd graders and begins a 20 minute book reading. Card waits patiently for a pause in the reading to inform the president that america is under attack.

9:04 Calls come streaming in to NORAD. Air bases want to know what they can do. "The nation is under attack."-Col. Robert Marr
"Give me 10 minutes and I can give you hot guns"
-Syracuse Air National Guard.
NORAD did not issue scramble orders to any of these Air bases until 10:01. George Bush reads The Pet Goat, page two.

9:05 This is the time that NORAD later claimed it was first notified of any hijackings even though
their technicians
had linked in to Boston air control already!!!!
Card now informs Bush that "America is under attack."
Bush does not ask WHO is attacking the US. He does not ask what is being done. He does not ask anything at all nor does he give any orders. He says nothing.
The Secret Service does not hustle him away to Air Force One.

9:09 NORAD claims they ordered Langley AFB to battle stations.

9:16 FAA tells NORAD that Flight 93 has been hijacked. Incredibly, it will be 42 minutes before anyone sends any fighter planes in its direction! (although one General states that no planes were ever sent to intercept Flight 93 at all).

9:18 Bush finally leaves the schoolhouse, waiting until AFTER all reporters have left!

9:24 This is the time that NORAD later claimed it was first notified of Flight 77's hijacking. A claim it later retracted.

9:26 FAA orders a national ground stop, forbidding all military, commercial and law enforcement aircraft to take off.

9:27 Langley AFB ignores the FAA order and scrambles 3 fighters.

9:30 3 Fighters take off from Langley AFB. They can make it to the Pentagon in 7 minutes.

9:38 Flight 77 smashes into the Pentagon building. The 3 fighters from Langley have flown 24 miles from their AFB. That's an astounding 180mph. Well below their stall speed!!! Fortunately, the fighters hadn't stalled. Unfortunately, they were still so close to Langley because instead of being vectored towards Flight 77 they had been vectored to fly out over the Atlantic Ocean AWAY from the incoming plane!!!

9:45 passengers of Flight 93 call loved ones and inform them of a plan to try to retake the plane.

9:55 Bush finally gives the order to allow fighter pilots to shoot down US planes.

9:56 Still no fighter has intercepted Flight 93

9:57 "Let's roll."

3:00pm Bush joins Warren Buffet and several executives from the World Trade Center at Offut military base.

11:30 p.m., Bush wrote in his diary, "The Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today...."

CBS News 7/26/01:
AP 5/16/02:,2933,52982,00.html
San Francisco Chronicle 6/03/02:

Counterpunch 9/18/02:

New York Times 5/25/02:

London Times 9/27/01:

Sarasota Herald-Tribune 9/10/02:

Newsweek 9/17/01:

Newhouse News, 1/25/02:
Ottawa Citizen, 9/11/02:
Code One Magazine, 1/02:
Aviation Week and Space Technology 6/03/02:
ABC News 9/14/02:
ABC News 9/11/02:

New York Times 10/16/01:

MSNBC 9/15/01:
AP 8/12/02:

Christian Science Monitor 9/13/01:
MSNBC, 9/15/01:

Guardian, 10/17/01:,1300,575518,00.html
New York Times, 10/16/01 (C):

ABC News 9/11/02:
ABC News, 9/14/02:

NORAD 9/18/01:
New York Times 10/16/01:
Newhouse News 1/25/02:

Newsday, 9/10/02:
Washington Post, 9/17/01]

New York Times 10/16/01:

USA Today, 9/3/02:
New York Times, 9/11/02:

NORAD 9/18/01:
Aviation Week and Space Technology, 9/9/02:

New York Times 9/15/01:
NORAD 9/18/01

FAA, 5/22/03:
UPI, 5/22/03 (B):
Aviation Week and Space Technology, 6/3/02:
CNN, 9/4/02:
ABC News, 9/11/02:

MSNBC, 9/23/01 (C):
Slate, 1/16/02:
Dallas Morning News 9/16/01:
NORAD 9/18/01:

USA Today, 9/3/02:
New York Times, 9/11/02:

Guardian, 10/17/01:,1300,575518,00.html
Boston Globe, 11/23/01:
New York Times, 10/16/01:

Washington Times 10/7/02 and 10/08/02:
Daily Mail 9/8/02:
San Francisco Chronicle 9/11/02:

Aviation Week and Space Technology, 6/3/02:

New York Times, 9/16/01 (B):
Telegraph, 12/16/01:
Albuquerque Tribune, 9/10/02:
Washington Times, 10/8/02:

Aviation Week and Space Technology, 6/3/02:

Seattle Times, 9/16/01:
CNN, 9/17/01:

Fighting Back: The War on Terrorism - From Inside the Bush White House, by Bill Sammon, 10/02, p. 90
St. Petersburg Times 9/8/02:

FAA 5/22/03:
AP, 8/19/02:,1426,MCA_945_1340414,00.html
Guardian, 10/17/01:,1300,575518,00.html
New York Times, 9/15/01 (C):

Time 9/14/01:,8599,174912,00.html
USA Today 8/13/02:

NORAD 9/18/01:

NORAD Testimony 5/23/03:
Newsday, 9/23/01:
NORAD, 9/18/01:

Washington Post 1/27/02:

Washington Post 9/11/01:
Salon, 9/11/01:
CBS, 9/11/02:
San Francisco Business Times 2/1/01:

Washington Post 1/27/02:

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Monday, March 06, 2006

This is how your tax dollars go to brainwashing our troops

This is off a list of what is and isn't allowable for our military to hear and read:

Wonkette - "Forbidden, this page ( is categorized as: Forum/Bulletin Boards, Politics/Opinion."

Bill O'Reilly ( - OK

Air America ( - "Forbidden, this page ( is categorized as: Internet Radio/TV, Politics/Opinion."

Rush Limbaugh ( - OK

ABC News "The Note" - OK

Website of the Al Franken Show ( - "Forbidden, this page ( is categorized as: Internet Radio/TV, Politics/Opinion."

G. Gordon Liddy Show ( - OK

Don & Mike Show ( - "Forbidden, this page ( is categorized as: Profanity, Entertainment/Recreation/Hobbies."

Or as someone else pointed out: if you're a felon, drug addict or play with yourself, it's okay. If you're a liberal, forbidden.

Yeah, THAT'S what I want my democracy to be about. One Party, One Military, One Religion, you name it. Yeah, THAT'S what America was founded on.


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Just had to share this with you.

I came across this in the Comments section of another blog.

As a foreign Born black its especially funny when people from all sides say theres no racism. In college one of my professors was so sure most minorities didn't face actual overt acts that he made us all write a paper on it.

Mine dealt with the difference between coming from a mostly Black society where all from the local skid row bum to the president were Black and learning at a young age that ones deficiencies or attributes were not tied up in ones skin color .

Then i came to America.Its more the little hurts that get to you. Its the sound of door locks snapping as you wait for a bus near a red light.Its the storeowner following you around the store.Its the clubs that become "members only" when you know all your co-workers go there and their not members.Its the two or three forms of ID you need to use a credit card. Its the cops stopping you as you take a walk one block from your house and asking you where your going because you've worked hard and moved into the "nice" part of town. Its people not getting into an elevator if you are the only one in it. Its women crossing the street at dusk if you approach them . Its the person clutching her purse tightly if she sees you. And yes its the NY cabbies making you late for that business meeting . But we adapt and we survive but it doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt.Hell,Oprah couldn't get into some store a while back and shes a billionaire!!

There are worse acts that don't happen to most (guy dragged in Texas, Rodney King).But for me its the little cuts that last the longest.

His signature fit right in with the theme of my previous diary entry: A hungry man is an angry man.

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Sunday, March 05, 2006

The Civil War Never Ended Part 1 1/2

This is part 1 1/2 of my ongoing investigation into the idea that the Civil War never ended because it isn't really a part of that series but is actually a response to this excellent article Right Makes Might, Part 1.

If you haven't already read one of CG's best entries, please do so now or you won't have a clue in hell what I'm talking about.

Now, having read his entry, you must be wondering, what does satyagraha have to do with the Civil War having never ended? Let me take you further down this road of human nature to explain. But first, we need to look at how injustice and brutality supplant the decent and nobler aspects of human nature in the first place. For that, I take you to Nazi Germany in the 1930's...

In the early 30's, when the depression had swept the world, there was major unrest in Germany. Dissatisfaction with the Versailles Treaty was blamed for rampant poverty and national disgrace. In fact, many historians will tell you that the Versailles Treaty was so heavy handed and one sided that it was the leading cause of World War II. In a sense, they are right. Had Germany not lost the Great War, there probably would have never been a Nazi Germany.

Back then when the Depression hit, things got really tough for people. In Germany, thanks to the Treaty of Versailles, things had already been really tough for people. Millions of Europeans had died in The Great War. Families left without fathers to earn wages. The economy of Germany was additionally burdened with making War Reparations to France. The Allies basically plundered Germany after World War I. So the Germans had been having hard times for two decades when the Nazi's arrived on the scene and this is why they were prime pickings to become tyrants and blood thirsty villains.

You see, that wonderful, noble human trait that CG calls satyagraha, that need to be better than what we are, that makes us hate injustice and empathize with the weak over the bully, that trait goes by the wayside when resources become scarce. When starvation is a stark reality that bites you everyday you wake up. In those kind of conditions, your primal predator instincts take over and you wake up one day to the realization, whether conciously or not, that every other human being is a competitor for your food. Being a troop animal, you also inately realize that your odds of survival are enhanced if you belong to a troop that is stronger than your competitors.

And thus begins the Us vs Them War.

Now the first thing you need to do is identify a group that is strong for you to join. To do that, there needs to be a discriminating factor. Something that allows you to be one of US, while making everyone else one of THEM. Once you've found your group, you are now at war with all other groups for your very survival. THIS is the driving force that instigates the Us vs Them War. Survival. And in a fight for survival, human beings will not cling to concepts such as satyagraha. For while satyagraha is a GOOD thing for species survival in the long run, during times of crises, it becomes a liability that lessens your chances for survival. After all these hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of years of human evolution, only those who can toss satyagraha out on its ear during a crisis and turn wholly to their own self-interests have survived. Thus the human capacity to hate was evolved.

Don't kid yourself if you think you're any different. If it came down to you and the other guy. Fuck the other guy.

Hitler's "genius" if you want to call it that, (animal cunning might be a more apporpriate term) was that he innately understood these forces of human nature at work and he deftly provided the German people with what they needed: the "other guy". The person they could blame. The person they could pont to as being one of THEM. The ones that are getting all the resources. And isn't that exactly what he claimed? That the Jews were behind the whole war and that they got RICH off of it? The key here was that the Jews GAINED while the other Germans were starving. THEY were the ones who were winning the struggle to survive. If YOU wanted to survive, you'd better join US so we can beat THEM and put food on our tables.

Those are the forces that we are up against. The British saw their colonies as not just conquests, but the means to put food on the table. If they lost the colonies, they lost their power and if they lost their power, how could they insure that the food would always flow to Brittanica? Just look at the Irish and the great Potato Famine. Starvation is right next door folks. You wanna be like them?

No one and I mean NO ONE looks themselves right in the eyes and admits that "today I'm going to exploit the fuck out of some other human being because I have an ingrained paranoia of starvation." Instead, they simply buy into the spin. And there are always power hungry people out there willing to give them that spin in exchange for power.

In fact, one has to conclude that the entirety of politics boils down to the ancient rule: Give me command of your lives and I will see to it that you get food. The game is more complex than that, of course, and the giving over of our lives requires not only the guarantee of a better life, but also a rationale for why we are giving over our satyagraha as well.

You see, what Ghandi discovered was that once you give the bully back his satyagraha that he could no longer believe in the rationale he used to justify why he'd given over his life to his commanders in the first place. And those in command instantly lost power. But for this to occur requires that the Us vs Them War not be at a critical point. In Britain's India, the British Empire was still strong enough that the Us vs Them War was weak. No one was really starving. The NEED to justify their actions was weak. More importantly, the actions that needed justifying were distant, not near to home. There was far less PERSONAL responsibility for these actions.

But could Ghandi's actions have worked in Nazi Germany? Probably not. And the reason for this is simple: The need in the 30's WAS great. Satyagraha didn't put food on the table. Instead, it prevented humans from being predators and fighting over their limited resources. So NO ONE was going to listen to Ghandi. You wanna line up and let yourselves be butchered? Fine, makes the line to the food that much shorter. Stupid.

Once the crisis was over. Once Hitler had re-established the German economy and starvation was something "the other guy" had to worry about, things didn't get any better. Why? Because Hitler wasn't about to relinquish the one thing that gave him power. The Us vs Them War. He kept propagating it by feeding on people's fears. As long as they were still afraid, they still believed they were in a crisis of survival and as long as they still believed they were in the Us vs Them War, they could still hate. And as long as they could hate, they would keep handing over their satyagraha and their lives to Hitler.

But the people of Germany couldn't give in to satyagraha for another reason and Hitler knew this as well: They already had too much blood on their hands and it was right there at home. This wasn't some distant colony, this was the guy down the street they'd hauled off. And his family. And his kids. Once you've gone that far down the road of hate, once you've sacrificed that much satyagraha to win the Us vs Them War, you can't go back.

Which is exactly why the Civil War Never Ended. Those people from the South saw slavery as a means to ensure prosperity. They envisioned slavery as spreading to the new territories and eventually to the world. It was an expansionist empire they dreamed of. In their racist minds, it's always been Us vs Them. Us gentile white folk vs the darkies, the coloreds, the niggers, the spics, the beaners, the chinks. And to admit they were wrong is to admit to the atrocity of slavery.

Now, on the one hand, many, many southerners could care less about what their ancestors did. It has no effect upon them and they've left behind the Us vs Them war. But for many others, not just in the south, but in places like Idaho, Utah, Arizona, etc. the Us vs Them War is going strong. Why? Because after the Civil War, there were those in the south that were cast into a crisis. Sherman had destroyed so much and the Carpetbaggers stole the rest. The Negro was free and so was now in direct competition for scarce resources. It was a formula guaranteed to perpetuate the Us vs Them War for decades to come.

And in time, people after power cashed in on this situation to propogate the condition even further. An entire philosophy of politics arose who's sole purpose was to justify WHY people should continue to believe in the Us vs Them War. To give them a reason to surrender their satyagraha and their lives to others and give in to hate.

Then came the Civil Rights Movement.

Why did the Civil Rights Movement wait till the 50's and 60's, nearly 100 years after the Civil War, to finally happen? Because it was only then, when America was awash in the power of having won WW2, when America, despite claims about the USSR to the contrary, was the sole superpower, when the economy was booming like never before, that there was the least NEED of the Us vs Them war.

We were the land of plenty, not just in word, but in deed. No one HAD to trade their satyagraha for justification to hate in order to put food on the table. It wasn't Us vs Them anymore. Not to anyone but the racist south that had been born and raised the Us vs Them War. Not to anyone but a Confederacy that depended upon that hate for its power. The agenda of the Confederacy had evolved into the agenda of the Cheap Labor Conservatives and they were threatened indeed by the Civil Rights Movement.

The first thing they needed to do was to get us past this Golden Age of prosperity and move us into an economic crisis so that they could get us back into the Us vs Them War once again.

And that is EXACTLY what OPEC, in league with rich southern oilmen did in 1972. That is EXACTLY what Ronald Reagan continued to do in the 80's and it is EXACTLY what the Bush Regime has been doing as well.

And in doing it, they've spread their Us vs Them War to places like the Idaho's, Utah's and Arizona's of the nation. Everywhere that migrant workers compete with whites for jobs, like in eastern Washington. Rural areas where THEY are seen as outsiders (inner city blacks) or competitors (illegal aliens from Mexico). All of these places have embraced the Us vs Them War. For them, the Civil War Never Ended.

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