Conyers, Reid etc: Removing George Bush from office - WITHOUT needing an Impeachment!The Culture of Corruption, the mad grab for power, the relentless attack upon the Constitution and now, the stackijng of the Supreme Court has put this Nation in its most dire straits since the country was formed. The Congressional Branch is corrupted. The Presidential Branch has claimed dictatorial powers unto itself. All that remains is the Judicial Branch and with the nomination of Alito, that too, will be lost.
Time is running out for America.
As we all know, with a Republican held Congress, we are never going to be able to impeach George W. Bush. And, as the Republicans rush this country towards totalitarianism, ripping the Constitution to shreds in the process, we desperately NEED to remove dubya from office ASAP. We desperately NEED to stop the loss of the Judicial Branch of our government while we still can.
There's a way we can do both. IF our Democratic congressmen and women act swiftly and force what remains of our judicial branch to do the same, we can save this nation while there is still time. We can remove George W. Bush without impeachment and stifle his Judicial nominations.
We need what's left of our Congress, those few members who are still fighting the good fight for democracy, to call upon the judicial arm of our government, specifically the few members of the FBI that we can still trust, people like Fitzpatrick and those that got him appointed, to move swiftly on investigations into the recent revelations that the Ohio vote count was, in fact, miscounted. If Bush was not legally elected, but put into office by fraudulent means, then an impeachment is not necessary as he is not the legally elected President of the United States and does not enjoy the rights and privileges of that high office. Furthermore, his current and previous nominations to the Supreme Court are unconstitutional and invalid as only a legally elected POTUS can nominate Justices to the Supreme Court.
You can do this senators, because at last, a scientific analysis of the 2004 election has produced the smoking gun for just such an investigation:
The Gun is Smoking - 2004 Ohio Precinct-Level Exit Poll Data Show Virtually Irrefutable Evidence of Vote Miscount
The National Election Data Archive (NEDA) is the first mathematical team to release a valid scientific analysis of the precinct-level 2004 Ohio presidential exit poll data. NEDA's analysis provides virtually irrefutable evidence of vote miscount.
The National Election Data Archive (NEDA) is the first mathematical team to release a valid scientific analysis of the precinct-level 2004 Ohio presidential exit poll data "The Gun is Smoking: Ohio 2004 Exit Poll Discrepancies Are Consistent with Outcome-Altering Vote Miscount" available at OHIO exit poll analysis. NEDA's analysis provides significant evidence of an outcome-altering vote miscount.
The analysis is based on the most accurate statistical method yet devised for determining whether exit poll error, random variations, or vote count manipulation cause the discrepancies between exit polls and official vote tallies. This analysis method was made public recently by NEDA in "Vote Miscounts or Exit Poll Error? New Mathematical Function for Analyzing Exit Poll Discrepancy" available at US Exit Poll Analysis.
Do their finding rise to the level that would demand a criminal investigation into voter fraud?
At least 40% of Ohio's polled precincts show statistically significant differences between Kerry's exit poll percent and official vote count percent. 35% of these discrepancies underestimated the Kerry official vote share. This is five times the number expected. Three of the most glaring examples are:
- In E/M precinct 27, with an estimated 100 respondents, Kerry's official vote count was 29% less than his exit poll share, creating a 58% difference between Kerry and Bush exit poll and official vote margins. There is less than a one in 867,205,500 chance of this occurring due to chance.
- In E/M precinct 25, with an estimated 62 respondents, Kerry's official vote count was 28% less than his exit poll share, creating a 56% difference between Kerry and Bush exit poll and official vote margins. There is less than a one in 234,800 chance of this occurring due to chance.
- In E/M precinct 48, with an estimated 100 respondents, Kerry's official vote was 16% less than his exit poll share, creating a 32% difference between Kerry and Bush exit poll and official vote margins. There is less than a one in 17,800 chance of this occurring due to chance.
There are also two precincts where the Bush official vote count is significantly less than the Bush exit poll share. The number of significant discrepancies and the pattern of Ohio's discrepancy shown in the NEDA report provide strong support for the conclusion that vote count errors converted a Kerry win to a Bush win.
With the stakes so high, if that doesn't warrant Democratic action, I don't know what does. Oh wait, yes I do:
If we don't stop the Republican NOW. As in ASAP. There never WILL be a Democratic majority in Congress to take back our government:
New electronic voting equipment without voter verified paper ballots, implemented under the 2002 Help America Vote Act, makes it easier for a small number of people to manipulate vote counts and nearly impossible to independently audit vote count accuracy. Virtually every county in America today publicly reports its vote counts in a way that hides evidence of miscounts. This allows those with access (whether authorized or not) to manipulate or make mistakes in vote counting with negligible possibility of detection.
That's right. The Republicans are making sure that next time there's no way to detect what they've done and they can get away with it.
This is our only chance to save Democracy. This is our ONE CHANCE to take back America. We need to start an investigation NOW into the legality of the Bush presidency.
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